Cell Phone Coverage At Drilling Rigs Improves Efficiency
Using cell phone communications on drilling rigs opens up new possibilities for the staff to access other information, via company apps.
When you are working away from home for weeks on end it is nice to be able to talk with the family back home.
Drilling rigs are generally located miles from the nearest cell tower, consequently cell phone signal is weak to non existent.
Prior to designing a rig booster solution, Telcosat will complete a coverage prediction analysis from the Cell Tower to the target rig site.
Telcosat has full in-house digital mapping services combined with our extensive technical knowledge base to design the best cellular coverage solution for your rig site.
We will demonstrate to you the level of coverage that you will get and how the system will work before you buy from us.
All Telcosat pre sales reports detail the full bill of materials (BOM) with prices, the exact location of all installed equipment, and a diagram of the level of cell phone signal coverage that will be achieved.
Drilling rigs have direct and serious problems related to constant and severe vibration, as well as exposure to extreme weather environments. In addition drilling rigs may be required to move on to the next location at a moments notice and with as little effort as possible.
Staff at Telcosat have worked on rigs and so we know the environment and working life extremely well. This real life experience on drilling operations means that we have designed our rig boosters to be robust, easy to install (set up and tear down) and to survive the extreme environments of a drilling rig. Indeed a large part of our company business is in supplying rig boosters to exploration operations around the world. A Telcosat rig booster will provide quality cell phone service to your drilling rig.
When you buy a Telcosat rig booster solution we GUARANTEE cell phone coverage at your rig site. Who else can make that claim?
Dead signal zones in remote work camps is a common problem. They cause major frustrations with your staff and your general operation. Lost communications can also be the cause of lost business. A Telcosat trained rig booster expert can help alleviate your communication worries and keep your staff happy and enable your operation to be run with greater efficiency.
To remove your DAS concerns and to arrange a free consultation about your rig booster requirements call Telcosat now on
(or click on the number to open up your phone dialer)
We will work with you and demonstrate to you the best solution that will meet your needs. By the end of the pre-sales exploration you will know, in precise detail, the best solution and the level of coverage you will get throughout your rig site.
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